2 tph DZL Coal Steam Boiler For Feed Mill Industry

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Available industries: Feed Mill Industry
Project boiler medium:Steam
Capacity:2 tph

2 tph DZL Coal Steam Boiler For Feed Mill Industry

AQUA Feed Factory in Kazakhstan required a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective boiler system for their production line. After careful evaluation and consideration, they chose us to provide them with a set of 2 tph coal-fired steam boiler. Our team successfully installed the system and provided exceptional after-sales service to the client.

Advantages of DZL coal-fired steam boiler:

  1. High thermal efficiency:
    It is designed with a large heating surface area, which maximizes heat transfer and ensures high thermal efficiency. The optimized design of the boiler’s combustion chamber allows for complete combustion of the fuel, reducing fuel consumption and maximizing energy efficiency.
  2. Reliable operation:
    It has a robust and durable design, ensuring long-term, trouble-free operation. The boiler’s advanced control system allows for easy and precise monitoring and control of the system’s operations. The system also features multiple safety features, ensuring safe and reliable operation at all times.
  3. Low emissions:
    It is designed with advanced combustion technology, which results in low emissions and high environmental performance. The system features a high-efficiency dust collector, which captures ash and particulate matter, ensuring that emissions are kept to a minimum.
  4. Easy maintenance:
    The system’s advanced monitoring and diagnostic tools allow for proactive maintenance, reducing downtime and ensuring maximum system uptime.

The installation of the ZOZEN coal-fired steam boiler has had a significant impact on AQUA Feed Factory’s production efficiency. The system’s high thermal efficiency has resulted in reduced fuel consumption and lower operating costs. The system’s reliable operation has also resulted in reduced downtime, maximizing production uptime. The system’s low emissions have helped the factory to meet its environmental targets, reducing its environmental impact.

Customer Feedback
We are very grateful for the high-quality boiler equipment and professional service provided by ZOZEN. ZOZEN met our customized requirements and made a separate packaging iron box for the boiler equipment, their team was very professional and patient, helping us solve many problems and making the entire procurement and installation process very smooth.

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